September 4th, 2024 Korea Wellness News

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we explore the exciting developments in Korea Wellness as of September 4th, 2024.

Renowned for its innovation and holistic approach, Korea Wellness continues to set the pace in the global wellness industry.

In this post, we delve into the nation's newest AI-driven health monitoring systems, offering real-time insights that empower individuals to take charge of their well-being.

We also highlight the booming Korea Wellness tourism sector, attracting global visitors eager to experience traditional Korean practices like Hanbang and modern wellness retreats.

Furthermore, we discuss the government's increased funding for mental health services, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to wellness that includes mental, physical, and emotional health.

Join us as we uncover how Korea Wellness is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, setting a global standard.

Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a healthcare professional, or simply curious about innovative health practices, this post provides valuable insights into the future of Korea Wellness.

Read on to discover how Korea Wellness is shaping the world of wellness today.

Wellness and Regional Problem Solving: A Collaborative Workshop between Korean and Japanese University Students

Masan University LINC3.0 Project hosted the ‘2024 Global Wellness Tourism and Regional Problem Solving Cooperation Workshop’ at Kinki University in Japan from 27-31 August 2024. The workshop brought together students from five Korean universities, including Masan University, Dongmyung University, Busan National University of Health Sciences, Busan Women's University, and Chung-Ang University, and 12 Japanese universities, including Kinki University, Ritsumeikan University, Tenri University, Kagoshima International University, Hannan University, Nihon University of Economics, and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

Participants identified the importance of international co-operation in addressing depopulation and local issues, and explored innovative approaches in the field of wellness tourism. The workshop was organised around the theme of ‘global wellness tourism’ and discussed wellness tourism strategies and solutions that reflect local community characteristics, with presentations and panel discussions focusing on ‘locally tailored wellness tourism’ and ‘sustainable tourism development’.

In addition, the participants discussed ways to share university policies to promote educational and human exchanges and respond to the declining birthrate and regional depopulation, and signed an MOU to cooperate on a common agenda to solve problems using local resources. 

‘This workshop was a valuable opportunity for universities in Korea and Japan to work together to solve regional problems,’ said Lee Sang-won, head of the LINC3.0 project at Masan University. ’It was of great significance in presenting innovative approaches to wellness tourism and strengthening cooperation between Korean and Japanese universities.’

Wellness meets AI: Financial ‘super app’ competition intensifies

The race for ‘super apps’ in the financial sector is intensifying with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Recently, financial companies have been offering various new features such as pet care, mydata asset management, and investment chart analysis based on AI to enhance user convenience.

NH Bank is planning to introduce a pet lifecare service using AI on its app ‘NH All in One Bank’ in the second half of this year. The service provides the ability to analyse health conditions and diseases through photos of pets. On 5 September, NH Investment & Securities plans to launch an AI-based chart analysis service called ‘Chaebunga’ on its app ‘Namu Securities’ to provide investors with information on trading strategies, price patterns, and more.

NH Bank and Woori Financial are also preparing to launch super apps. NH Bank will launch its super app in January next year and Woori Financial will launch its super app later this year, and plans to provide differentiated services using new digital technologies. In the case of Woori Financial, it plans to rebuild ‘Woori WON Banking’ and launch ‘New One’, which integrates various financial services such as card, capital, term deposit, and savings bank.

In October, Kakao Pay will introduce an insurance diagnosis service using AI, which analyses user health data and recommends suitable insurance products. Bancsalad plans to launch ‘Topping’, an asset management service that combines AI and my data to provide personalised financial management services.

Lotte Card has added a personalised curation service to its ‘Dizirocar’ app, offering tailored benefits in 10 areas including travel, finance, education, and wellness. These changes further emphasise the importance of financial app integration and AI services to provide users with a more sophisticated and convenient financial experience.

As the super-app competition in the financial space intensifies, providing personalised services and features through AI is becoming increasingly important.

Wellness and specialised education: Cultivating healthcare talent at Chunbahae University

Chunhae Healthcare University is a prestigious healthcare specialisation university with a 56-year history, starting as Chunhae Nursing School in 1968. The university operates a systematic curriculum and a field-reproducible practice environment to foster healthcare professionals, and in 2022, the university recorded an employment rate of 84.6% in the junior college employment rate, ranking first in the Busan-Ulsan-Yangsan-Gimhae region for 10 consecutive years.

Chunbae Health University has a number of educational innovation achievements, including being selected as a General Financial Support University by the Ministry of Education's University Basic Competency Diagnosis, ‘Higher Vocational Education Quality University’ certified by the Ministry of Education's Institutional Evaluation of Vocational Colleges for the third cycle, selection for the Innovation Support Project for Vocational Colleges, and LINC 3.0 collaborative foundation building type. In addition, students can earn a four-year bachelor's degree after graduating from a three-year diploma through the bachelor's degree major deepening course, and seven departments, including the dental hygiene department, occupational therapy department, and emergency medical services department, have earned the highest grade of S.

The university's strengths include a well-structured curriculum tailored to the nature of the discipline and realistic labs. The nursing department has expanded the ‘Nursing Simulation Centre’ to support various nursing simulation exercises, and the dental hygiene department provides training using the latest dental equipment. The university also runs IPE (interprofessional education) courses in rehabilitation, health, and welfare, and collaborates with nine universities to provide students with various field experiences.

Chunbae Health University conducts AI-based e-learning capacity-building training through its distance education centre, focusing on fostering human resources tailored to the 4th Industrial Revolution. As a lifelong education system, the university has been selected for the ‘Lifelong Education System Support Project for Second Cycle Universities (LiFE2.0)’ to provide customised learning opportunities for adult learners, and is operating a flexible bachelor's system for adult employees through newly established departments such as the Department of Forestry and Landscape Business and the Department of Wellness, Culture and Tourism.

For the 2025 recruitment, the university will increase the number of nursing and radiology departments and establish a department dedicated to adult learners to select 840 students in the first round of recruitment. Chunghwa Health University fosters professional talents in the healthcare field through a systematic curriculum for each department, and is continuously developing future curricula.

**Wellness and age-appropriate health care: Tips for 45 to 55 year olds**.

Between the ages of 45 and 55 is a time when changes in the body become apparent, and it's important to stay healthy through wellness management. As you age, your body naturally experiences cellular decline and hormonal changes, but you can manage these changes effectively with the right lifestyle habits.

Firstly, controlling your eating habits is key. After the age of 45, it's a good idea to reduce your calorie intake and break up your meals. Excessive calorie and sugar intake can produce harmful free radicals, which can accelerate aging. Therefore, it's a good idea to focus on vegetables, fruits, and proteins, and save rice or carbohydrates for last. It's also beneficial to control portion sizes and chew your food slowly.

Exercise is also important during this time, and it's important to increase the frequency of exercise rather than the intensity, and to increase your daily activity. As much physical activity as possible throughout the day, not just structured exercise, will keep you energised and prevent the development of chronic diseases. It's also a good idea to mix large and small movements to keep your body agile.

You should also improve the quality of your sleep - good sleep is important for immune recovery and preventing chronic disease, so try to optimise your sleep environment and calm your mind before going to sleep. In your 50s, it's also important to get proper check-ups and eat a hormone-balancing diet to prepare for the hormonal changes that come with menopause.

Overall, by paying close attention to your wellness after age 45, you can keep your body and mind healthy and delay aging.

**The Future of Fat and Wellness: The Solution in an Age of Declining Populations**.

The disappearance of the provinces is becoming a reality, and local economic and population problems could develop into a national disaster. The current concentration of population and resources in metropolitan centres is accelerating the disappearance of the provinces, which in turn is making the future of the entire country unclear. With 50.2 per cent of the country's population in metropolitan areas, 105 out of 228 local governments are expected to disappear in the next 30 years.

A three-pronged approach is needed to tackle rural decline. First, we need innovative alternatives. Measures such as merging Daegu and Gyeongbuk and expanding local autonomy, as proposed by Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Lee Cheol-woo, could increase local independence and encourage population growth. Gyeonggi-do Governor Kim Dong-yeon has also proposed a reorganisation of the capital city's concentration structure. While the central government's response has been slow, a concerted response to the problem of regional stagnation and population decline is needed.

Second, they need to live in the provinces themselves and take practical measures. It is difficult for metropolitan policy makers to formulate local policies at the desk, as they cannot reflect the reality on the ground. They need to feel the decline in local shop, housing, and land prices, and experience firsthand the problems of local university education. I have experienced the effects of regionalisation in Naju, Jeollanam-do, and Dong-gu, Daegu, and emphasise the need for a policy approach to revitalise the local economy.

Third, local competitive industries should be fostered. In particular, the ‘wellness industry’ can play an important role in the local economy. Utilising local natural resources, such as forest healing, marine healing, healing agriculture, and healing tourism, wellness industries can create high-value jobs and boost local economies. Post-COVID-19, the wellness industry is gaining even more traction, and it can make localities more competitive.

In conclusion, innovative policies, direct on-the-ground approaches, and fostering the wellness industry are essential to ensure the future of rural areas. A policy shift is needed to explore new possibilities for rural areas in an era of declining population.

**Wellness and globalisation: LOTTE Wellfood Zero enters the US snack subscription service**.

LOTTE Wellfoods is strengthening its ‘wellness’ business and entering the global market in earnest. The company recently introduced ‘Zero Fruit Jelly’ to the US snack subscription service ‘Try The World’. The service introduces 10 kinds of global snacks every month and has more than 10,000 subscribers.

Zero Fruit Jelly is a compound fruit jelly with peach and kiwi flavours, contains no sugar, sugars, or colouring, and has about 25% fewer calories than conventional jelly. Zero Fruit Jelly, which has been very popular since its launch in Korea in 2022, is expected to gain traction in the US market. Especially in the U.S., where excessive sugar consumption is a growing problem, Zero Fruit Jelly, which uses alternative sugars, is expected to satisfy both health and taste.

LOTTE Wellfoods is planning to use social media hashtag events and influencer content to raise global awareness of Zero Fruit Jelly. This is the second such marketing strategy, following the collaboration with Almond Mopparo in May, and is expected to generate positive responses and contribute to strengthening the global presence of the ZERO brand.

The ZERO brand is leading the market with a wide range of products centred on sugar-free desserts, and has recently expanded into the dairy category with the addition of Zero Plain Yoghurt. LOTTE WELLFOOD is targeting sales of more than 50 billion won this year, and plans to develop Zero and Mopparo into global brands.

‘We will be actively marketing Zero Fruit Jelly by strengthening our North American market,’ said a LOTTE Wellfoods representative.

**Wellness meets Global MICE: ‘Newkin Live EAST 2024’ to be held in Incheon***.

Incheon is set to become the centre of the wellness and global MICE industry. From 5-7 September 2024, Newkin Live EAST 2024 will be held at Inspire Entertainment Resort in Yeongjongdo, Incheon. The event will be the largest international business conference to be held in Incheon since COVID-19, with a total of 11,000 attendees.

The event will bring together 6,500 international delegates and 4,500 domestic delegates from eight countries, including the United States, Canada, and China. The programme will consist of various contents such as social contribution activities, corporate meetings, and special performances. In particular, officials from the headquarters and Korean branch of global wellness company Newkin Enterprises have been working tirelessly to bring this large-scale event to Incheon for the first time.

The event venue, the ‘Arena’ at Inspire Entertainment Resort, a facility for large-scale performances and concerts, will be utilised for a new purpose - a global corporate conference. This is expected to make a significant contribution to strengthening Incheon's position as a global MICE city.

Incheon has been working with relevant organisations since the first half of this year to prepare for the event, and has provided active support for safety management and participant convenience services. ‘We will do our best to ensure the success of the event,’ said Kim Chung-jin, Director of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Incheon City. ’We will attract various international events and create an environment that will provide the best experience so that Incheon can establish itself as a global MICE city.’

**Wellness and Cognitive Management: Cognitive Doctor Herzion Officially Launched***.

Cognitive Doctor Herzion is a new entrant in the wellness device market. The product is a collaboration between ARIBIO, which is developing an oral dementia treatment, and health furniture brand Jangsu Dol Bed. It is a wellness device that uses 40Hz sound and vibration to protect the brain's nerve cells without using electric current and focuses on improving cognition and concentration.

Cognitive Doctor Hergion is a wearable device that supports brain care and features four modes - Healing Mode, Energy Mode, Recovery Mode, and Classic Mode - and 15 levels of intensity adjustment. It also supports brain care, music care, and mind care functions through a dedicated app, and the built-in 40Hz sound helps improve cognitive function and focus with customisable cognitive support.

The product is useful for older adults at risk of cognitive decline, office workers and students who need to focus, and is backed by proven clinical trial results, technology patents, and more than 80 safety tests. Cognitive Doctor Herzion is available on Jangsu Stone Bed's official mall.

‘Cognitive Doctor Herzion is a wellness device that helps manage cognition and concentration, and meets the needs of various users,’ said a company representative.

**Wellness and the pet industry: SUPERZOO 2024 on-site report**.

The latest trends in pet wellness were on display at SUPERZOO 2024, North America's largest pet products show, held from 14-16 August 2024 in Las Vegas, USA. The show attracted nearly 16,000 visitors, with 1050 exhibitors showcasing more than 900 new products.

Pet health and wellness was an important theme at the show, with pet nutraceuticals and functional foods being particularly prominent. The US-based Wellness Pet Company attracted a lot of attention with its personalised nutrition for dogs and cats. The pet nutrition market is expected to reach $2.379 billion in 2023, with high inflation and the cost of veterinary care driving demand for alternative products.

Sustainability was also an important issue. Many booths emphasised biodegradable packaging and insect-based feeds, responding to the US government's plastic ban. California will require all single-use packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2032.

In the pet tech space, smart appliances have taken centre stage. Automated food dispensers, waste disposals, and other technologies are being used to manage pets. Canada's Instachu and China's Petkit introduced products that provide real-time health checks and data management through smart technology.

Korean companies also participated in SUPERZOO 2024 and showcased innovative products. New ideas such as a cat body composition meter and a toilet for large cats were well received by US buyers. However, there are high regulatory barriers to entering the US market, and it takes time to comply with FDA and AAFCO regulations.

The exhibition revealed a variety of trends related to pet wellness, and Korean companies are gaining traction in the US market with their product innovation and design.

**Wellness and luxury tourism: South Korea aims to attract high-value luxury travellers

The Korea Tourism Organization is undertaking a major initiative to attract high-value luxury travellers. Together with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, it hosted 24 luxury travel consultants and art tour operators from 4 September to 1 October for a festival tour and B2B meeting. The Fam Tour will visit major cities such as Seoul, Busan, Gyeongju, and Jeju, and will provide an opportunity to experience cultural, artistic, and luxury tourism contents firsthand.

Luxury tourism is expected to grow at an average annual growth rate of 8.4 per cent from 2023 to 2032, and while the average outbound tourist to Korea spends $1,239, high-end luxury tourists spend $199,439, more than 160 times higher. They seek a variety of value-added experiences, including culture, art and gastronomy, and play an important role in promoting Korea's tourism resources to the world.

The Fam Tour will include major art events such as Kiaf, Frieze Seoul, and the Busan Biennale in Seoul, as well as the Seoul Museum of Crafts, Baekinje House, Beomeosa Temple in Busan, Shilla Buddhist ruins in Gyeongju, and Haenyeo cultural experiences in Jeju, as well as five-star hotel facilities in each region. In addition, on 4 September, a Travel Mart was held at the ‘House of Korea’ in Chungmuro, Seoul, where more than 50 representatives from the domestic and international luxury tourism industry participated in one-on-one business consultations.

‘Luxury travellers often rely on expertise and know-how for customised trips,’ said Park Young-hee, Head of Theme Tourism Team at the Korea Tourism Organization. ’We will continue to work with global luxury networks to raise awareness of Korea as a luxury tourism destination.’

**Wellness and innovation: Samyang inaugurates Korea's largest allulose production facility**.

Samyang held a ceremony to inaugurate its speciality (high performance) plant in Ulsan, South Korea on 4 April. The plant, which consists of allulose and prebiotics production facilities, was built with a total investment of KRW 140 billion and covers an area of 6,700 square metres. The allulose plant is the largest in Korea with an annual production capacity of 1.3 million tonnes, and can produce both liquid and crystalline forms. Allulose is a rare sugar that exists in nature and is attracting attention as an alternative sweetener with 70 per cent of the sweetness of sugar but zero calories.

Through this plant, Samyang will propose differentiated solutions that link allulose and prebiotics, and expand sales to North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The prebiotics plant produces ovulatory maltodextrin and fructooligosaccharides, which are used as dietary fibre and functional food ingredients to support intestinal health and bowel movements.

‘The comprehensive speciality plant, which was built to strengthen our speciality business strategy, will enhance our competitiveness in the domestic and international alternative sugar market,’ said Choi Nak-hyun, CEO of Samyang. ’This plant will be a key driver for the next 100 years of Samyang Group's food business.’ 

The speciality plant is expected to become a centre of excellence in providing value in the health and wellness sector.

**Targeting the Wellness Market: Amore and LG Senggun Intensify Competition in Functional Foods

Korean cosmetics giants Amorepacific and LG Healthcare are leading the growth of the wellness sector by aggressively entering the dietary supplement (dry season food) market. In addition to their core business of cosmetics, both companies are strengthening their portfolios of functional food products to expand their presence in the wellness market.

Amorepacific is introducing a line of inner beauty products under its Vital Beauty brand. Representative products include Metagreen, which helps manage body fat, Good Sleep Gaba, which improves sleep quality, and Super Retinol C, an ingestible retinol concept. In particular, the company is enhancing its competitiveness in the market by launching various products that reflect the inner beauty interests of the MZ generation. The company plans to launch new products in the second half of the year.

LG Innotek has strengthened its portfolio through its health functional food brands ‘Retune’ and ‘Life Garden’. Retune is a premium health functional food brand based on scientific research, offering probiotics and young collagen peptide products. Living Garden is a premium brand that combines nature and science and includes products such as Bifium Virtuous Diet and Hanami Collagen Ampoule. The company recently completed the trademark registration for the launch of a new dry food brand under the name Urban Booster.

The dry season meal market continues to grow, with the domestic market size reaching KRW 6.22 trillion last year, up 27 per cent from five years ago. As such, Amorepacific and LG Life Sciences plan to further strengthen their competitiveness in the market through growth in the wellness and nutraceuticals sector. 

The companies are expected to expand their presence in the global market by providing consumers with both health and beauty through innovation in wellness and functional foods.

**Wellness and relaxation: Geoje City to create a month-long tourist city**

Geoje City has launched an extended-stay tourism city that offers both wellness and relaxation. The second round of recruitment for the ‘Breathe in Geoje’ support programme, which offers participants the opportunity to stay in Geoje for a month, has been completed. The programme will run from 6 September to 31 October.

A total of 51 groups of 81 people applied for the programme, including 73 people from 46 individual free travel groups, 6 people from 4 workcations, and 2 people from 1 overseas Korean community, and 19 groups of 29 people were selected through an internal evaluation. The selected participants will stay in Geoje for a minimum of five nights and a maximum of 29 nights, and will receive accommodation and experience fees. The participants will be responsible for promoting Geoje's attractions and local tourism resources through personal blogs and social media.

In particular, the second round of the programme includes a special mission related to the 13 Nambarang Trail courses within Geoje City, which will contribute to building the city's image as a wellness tourism destination. ‘We hope that participants will build wonderful memories while enjoying Geoje's clean sea and beautiful nature,’ said Park Kyung-do, head of the Tourism Division.

The programme is part of Geoje's efforts to establish itself as a wellness and relaxation-oriented tourist destination, and is expected to contribute to promoting the region's charms and boosting the tourism industry through extended-stay tourism.

**Wellness and Donation: Grammy Donates Development Fund to Sunchunhyang University Hospital for its 50th Anniversary**

Grammy (Chairman Nam Jong-hyun), an invention patent company, has donated a development fund to Sunchunhyang University Hospital to commemorate its 50th anniversary. At a donation pledge ceremony held in Cheorwon, Gangwon-do on 4 September, Grammy Chairman Nam Jong-hyun expressed his intention to donate to Sunchunhyang University Hospital. ‘Practising the beautiful love of sharing through social service is the greatest success,’ he said, adding that the donation was made in the spirit of practising wellness and prolonging human life.

Since its opening in 1974, Sunchunhyang University Hospital has been filling medical gaps in the community and providing medical services to the poor, disabled, and homeless. The hospital has contributed to the local community and Korea's healthcare supply and demand through terminal disease research and medical services.

Grammy is building a wellness industry convergence complex with Gangwon Province and Cheorwon County. The complex is aimed at treating atopic patients and restoring overall health, and aims to provide happiness and health to everyone, regardless of wealth. Grammy is fulfilling its social responsibility in the field of wellness by returning the profits from its inventions to society.

**Wellness and genetic testing: Macrogen collaborates with Samsung Electronics to expand its health management platform**

As genetic testing becomes more commonplace, Macrogen's GenTok platform is partnering with Samsung Electronics to drive innovation in the wellness space. Macrogen recently announced a collaboration with Samsung Electronics to bring the GenTok platform to Samsung Health. This will enable Samsung Health users to holistically manage their health through genetic and microbiome testing.

Gentok analyses a total of 129 categories including obesity, hair loss, nutrients, diet, exercise, and sleep patterns based on genetics, while TheBiome Gold microbiome test assesses gut health and wellness metrics. These services are available on the Samsung Health app to help users better understand and manage their health.

Samsung Health is a global health solution used by 64 million people every month, providing users with the ability to monitor and manage health metrics such as sleep, exercise, diet, and more. The collaboration will combine Macrogen's genetic analysis expertise with Samsung Electronics' digital healthcare capabilities to provide personalised healthcare solutions.

In the future, the Samsung Health Gene Package Promotion will provide personalised tracker recommendations and insightful messages based on temperament and lifelog. In the mid- to long-term, we plan to expand to longitudinal research-based services including genetic data, lifelogs, and surveys.

**Wellness and Recharge: Kangwon Land provides healing programmes to national veterans and social workers**

Kangwon Land is fulfilling its social responsibility by providing wellness programmes through the ‘Hero Shelter Healing Camp’. The camp will be held for three days and two nights from 4 September, and will invite about 500 national meritorious people, soldiers, firefighters, coastguards, social welfare workers, and their families to participate in various healing activities. 

Since 2018, Gangwon Land has been running the ‘Hero Shelter Healing Camp’ as part of its ESG management, and this year, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Veterans Affairs, it added a new target group, including national veterans. Participants will be able to recharge their batteries through various activities such as Kangwon Land's wellness programmes, trekking on the Sky Forest Trail, mountain barbecues, and healing concerts in the forest.

The camp aims to contribute to society and promote wellness through the rooms and healing programmes provided by Gangwon Land, which has donated 23,673 rooms to approximately 65,000 people. The programme has become an important opportunity to help participants recover their minds and bodies from the stresses of everyday life.

Wellness and Innovation: BeautyCosmetics to unveil INOCELL at the 2024 Beauty & Healthcare Show

BeautyCosmetics is leading innovation in the wellness space with the launch of INOCELL, an all-in-one beauty medical device, at the 2024 Beauty & Healthcare Show. The exhibition took place from 29-31 August at Songdo Convensia in Incheon, South Korea, where Beauty Cosmetics showcased its latest technologies and products.

Innocell is an all-in-one skin care device that integrates the functions of various aesthetic medical devices and is equipped with a total of six handpieces. The handpieces provide a variety of functions, including multi-pole RF, one-pole RF, lifting, cooling and heating, HIFU, and ultrasonic exfoliation. The product is easy to maintain and manage as it minimises the need to replace parts and enables continuous operation without replacing the cartridge of the HIFU module.

Through Innocell, Beauty Cosmetics plans to accelerate its global market expansion and expand its R&D and facility investment. The company has already established sales networks in Taiwan, Vietnam, and Southeast Asian countries and is looking to expand into major markets such as China, Japan, the Americas, and Europe.

Regarding the launch of Innocell, a representative from Beauty Cosmetics said, ‘We will focus on developing high-quality devices and discovering potential customers through participation in global exhibitions.’ In addition, we are expecting good results in the future by receiving positive responses from buyers at this exhibition.

**Wellness meets youth: Mokpo City runs health promotion programme for young people**

The Mokpo Youth and Work Integration Centre is running the ‘Wellness Experience Programme’ as a local youth project for 2024. The programme is designed to promote the psychological stability and physical health of young people, and is recruiting participants for September until the 20th.

The ‘Wellness Experience Programme’ will be held once a month from June to November, for a total of six sessions. From June to August, the programme provided psychological stability through aromatherapy and physical health through Pilates, while the programme at the Wando Marine Healing Centre provided participants with the opportunity to experience various marine healing programs such as meditation pools, mud therapy and sea mist.

The programme provides an opportunity for young people to escape from their daily routine and recharge their minds and bodies, and contributes to raising their interest in wellness. ‘I am very pleased to see the young people gain peace of mind and restore their vitality through the marine healing programme,’ said Ko Gwang-gwang, director of the Youth and Work Integration Centre in Mokpo, Gwangju, ’I hope that many young people will participate in the remaining three programmes and experience the benefits of wellness.’

**Harmonising Wellness and Korean Tradition: Andong Hanok Hotel Rakgojae Opens in October**

Rakgojae, a hanok hotel located in Hahoe Village, Andong, is set to officially open in October. Rakgojae, which means ‘a house where you can enjoy the old’, is a hanok hotel that combines Korean tradition with modern conveniences to create a wellness experience.

Rakgojae consists of a ‘tiled main building’ and a ‘thatched annexe’ designed in harmony with the landscape of Hahoe Village, with each room telling a unique story. Hahoe Village is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with traditional houses and beautiful natural scenery. Rakgojae offers a modern interpretation of traditional architecture to create a comfortable stay.

The hotel's interior is equipped with modern amenities to compensate for the shortcomings of traditional hanok, and each room has its own story to tell. The hotel also features five buildings modelled after traditional palace architecture, such as the Buyongjeong Hall of Changdeokgung Palace, which adds to the unique experience.

One of the attractions of Rakgojae Hanok Hotel is its collection of antique artworks. The hotel's founder, Ahn Young-hwan, collected a variety of antique artworks, allowing guests to experience the unique cultural value of the property. There are plans to build a museum with the collection in the future.

The hotel introduces the beauty of Korean traditions to domestic and international travellers, and is particularly popular among French tourists. For breakfast, the hotel serves traditional Korean bulgogi, japchae, and miso soup, and also offers a continental breakfast and abalone porridge for foreigners. 

The Rakgojae Hanok Hotel combines traditional Korean culture with wellness travel, making it a unique accommodation that combines traditional symbolism with modern convenience.

**Wellness and Chuseok holidays, companion items to enhance travel satisfaction

With the Chuseok Golden Week holiday, wellness-related companion items that will enhance the quality of your trip are in the spotlight. Here are some of the latest technology products recommended by Sony Coria and Garmin to maximise the convenience and satisfaction of travelling.

**1. Sony A7C2: Lightweight, high-definition travel documentation**.

The Sony A7C2 camera weighs just 514g and features a 33-megapixel Exmor R full-frame sensor for outstanding image quality. With fast and accurate autofocus (AF) performance and 10 preset creative looks, you'll never miss a moment on your travels. Plus, 7-stop in-body image stabilisation ensures shake-free shooting.

**2. Sony Alt Field 1: Add emotion to your travels with powerful sound

Sony's Bluetooth speaker, the Alt Field 1, delivers impressive sound quality and powerful bass. It's IP67 dust and water resistant and shockproof for outdoor adventures, with a 12-hour battery life and stereo pair function for three-dimensional sound. It's a great way to liven up your travels.

**3. Garmin Quartix 7 Pro: The smartwatch with marine sports and wellness features**.

Optimised for marine sports, the Garmin Quartix 7 Pro features a 1.3-inch AMOLED touchscreen display and a range of sports apps. It includes a trolling motor remote, fish-forcast function, and up to 16 days of battery life. Wellness features include sleep monitoring, pulse oximeter, and more to help you stay healthy.

**4. ‘Korea Accommodation Sale Festa’: Save on accommodation for a great trip**.

If you're planning a trip to Korea over the Chuseok holiday, take advantage of the Korea Accommodation Sale Festa, organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization, to save on accommodation in non-capital areas. You can book your accommodation at a lower price and enjoy a relaxing trip.

These wellness-related items will make your Chuseok holiday even more satisfying and healthy.